Exercise: What to Expect When You’re Expecting

Exercise: What to Expect When You’re Expecting

Exercise and physical fitness have assumed important roles in the lives of many women.  Living a healthy and fit life is very important, and even more so when you’re expecting. In a typical, healthy pregnancy you shouldn’t stop exercising if that’s what your body is used to doing; however, there are precautions you should take to ensure the health of your tiny one!

Month 1

First and foremost, check with your doctor to see whether a workout routine is safe for you. Not everyone’s body will take to a workout routine during pregnancy, and you want to ensure the safety of you and your bundle.

Month 2

If you’ve been given the green light to exercise, stick to what you’re used to. Don’t try to add anything too strenuous or a workout you’ve never done before. You’ll find that your body will respond to even the most familiar exercises a little differently than it did before.

Month 3


Always warm up and cool down! Take the first and last five minutes to stretch, paying attention to your joints as cartilage begins to loosen the further you go into pregnancy. Let your heart beat rev up slowly and fall at the same rate because your baby’s heart rate will follow suit.

Month 4

Stay hydrated! This should be a no-brainer as it’s a necessity even when you’re not pregnant. Your body is using a lot of the nutrients you intake just for the baby, so be sure to get enough for yourself.

Month 5

Many women start to notice changes in their body around this time. Invest in new clothes! Support, coverage, and material will change as your body does, so pay attention to what’s still working and what needs updated.

Month 6

Rest when needed. Don’t push yourself too hard. If your body is telling you to take a break – listen!

Month 7


Tailor workouts to fit your growing belly and changes in energy levels. It’s great that you’re still going strong but some moves may need to be cut out or modified.

Month 8

Stop immediately if you notice any of these conditions: dizziness, vaginal bleeding, chest or abdominal pain. These could be severe problems that need to be addressed by your physician.

Month 9

Fuel yourself with the right foods. We know our food intake increases the further we get into pregnancy, so make sure you’re giving yourself the necessary energy with the right foods to keep yourself moving.


For more Fit Mom tips and the original article click here