Coming in at under 300 calories, this nutrient packed smoothie is perfect for a preworkout, breakfast, or midmorning meal! Below are the benefits of this nutrition packed .
Considered a Superfood, blueberries are a powerful antioxidant. They work to reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol in artery walls that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Ranking No. 1 in antioxidant activity by the USDA Human Nutrition Center when compared with 40 other fresh fruits, the antioxidants in blueberries neutralize harmful free radicals that can lead to cancer and other age-related diseases. The antioxidant responsible to blueberries awesome benefits, Anthocyanin, is also found in blackberries, black raspberries, black currants, and red grapes.
Blueberries are also found to fight fat according to researchers at Texas Women’s University in Denton. Metabolism boosting blueberries contain polyphenols that fight adipogenesis, or fat cell generation.
Pineapples are a great source of vitamin C supporting immunity as well as bromelain which may alleviate joint pain, arthritis, reduce inflammation, inhibit tumor growth and shorten recovery time following plastic surgery. Pineapples also contain thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, manganese and potassium and antioxidants and polyphenols, like beta-carotene helps reduce risk of asthma and is also found in mangoes, papaya, apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, pumpkin and carrots. Pineapple also contains an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat.
At only 33 calories with 3 grams of protein per cup kale is packed with vitamins A, C, K, and B in the form of folate which is important for brain development. It doesn’t end there! Kale has 2.5 grams of fiber per cup to help manage blood sugar and a healthier body weight; lutein and zeaxanthin; minerals including zinc, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus; plus alpha-linolenic acid-a healthy fat!
The Greek yogurt in the recipe provides a good amount of calcium and protein, both of which can increase satiety and aid in weight loss along with the belly fat diminishing properties of blueberries and pineapple! Don’t worry, you won’t be able to taste the kale, which is full of fiber to prevent constipation, and there’s calorie-free water to help clean you out.
3 ounces vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon almond butter
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup kale
3/4 cup water
Place all the ingredients in a blender, and mix until smooth.
Enjoy immediately.
The original smoothie recipe can be found at Pop Sugar. Visit their site for more information on the this slimming smoothie.